This blog is an archive of past content (2010-2017) and is not being updated at the moment. As such, some destination information is likely out of date.




February is a magical time in Venice, and as I look through the many galleries of images from the Carnevale (this year with snow!) I am reminded that I never posted our photos from a couple of years ago. We spent four, sweaty, August days in the city on the water, along with some of our favourite people. We arrived with my parents straight from the Alps and left with friends Mike and Saba to explore Dalmatia. But not before getting our minds blown at the Biennale (again), eating some perfectly lovely meals (at Al Fontego dei and Osteria Alla Frasca ) and reuniting with one of my oldest friends, Nataša, now a bona fide Italian. And if I were to choose, I'd say Venice is one of the best, and perhaps also the easiest places to get lost. A few of our photos below...

And if you missed it: Best of...The Venice Biennale 2011

Blackfeet Country, 1890s

Blackfeet Country, 1890s

Japanese Bathers, Meiji Era

Japanese Bathers, Meiji Era